Be who you want to be...

So many of us live with issues that we assume are part of us, that they have always been there and always will be. That is not always the case.

Through pioneering therapy which combines the principles of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, and CBT, we can get to the underlying root of your issue and install new, beneficial, life affirming beliefs.

A photograph of Shirley Lane.

Who is Shirley Lane...

I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist, motivated by helping people like you improve their lives.

We so often hold onto feelings, habits, emotions that no longer serve their purpose – in fact they are holding us back from being who we want to be.

Using hypnosis, we access your subconscious mind and get to the root of your issue, and then we release it.

We don’t stop there though, we install new beliefs, programming your mind to be who you want to be.

Shirley Signature.
Learn More

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a type of mind-body intervention where Hypnosis is used in the treatment of medical or psychological issues or concerns, using suggestibility techniques.

What is Hypnosis?

Clinical Hypnosis is not what you see on the TV!

Hypnosis is a relaxed state, but your awareness, concentration and suggestibility are heightened.

You are fully aware of every sound and movement around you and you have full participation in the session.

Does it work

Absolutely YES! If you are 100% committed to resolve your issue, then we can make it happen.

It may take more than one session but best to take one step at a time.

Perfect for:

Bad Habits
Feeling Lost

What my clients have to say

My aim is client satisfaction, it's what drives me. Here are some comments from those who have chosen to work with me.

"Everyone needs Shirley - they just don't know it yet..."

I was recommended to work with Shirley through a friend, and she exceeded all expectations.

I was diagnosed 10 years ago with fibromyalgia, and it made me feel like my life had come to an end. My days were spent bed-bound either watching tv or sleeping, relying on large, unhealthy amounts of painkillers to cope. I felt lost and hopeless, and had basically given up on life.

Shirley gave me a whole new perspective on my situation, helping me find my inner confidence and excitement for life.

The therapy work with her helped me understand and get to the root of my problems, which in turn helped me to be able to deal with them properly instead of feeling like a helpless victim of them. Months down the line, my life has completely changed for the better (no more bed all day!) and I have a positive and hopeful outlook on the future.

I truly believe Shirley has an amazing skill for helping people - she makes you feel like you’re number one and that she is 100% on board to help you get to where you want to be. She has a very outgoing, shining personality, is the easiest person to talk to, and is an amazing listener. You just feel like you’re chatting to your best friend.

I would whole-heartedly recommend taking a leap of faith like I did in working with her – I have zero doubt that it will change your life for the better too. Everyone needs Shirley - they just don’t know it yet.

Ms. E, age 52

"Shirley has enabled my daughter to start living her life again..."

As a mum, having tried several different therapies for my 18 year old daughter who struggled with severe anxiety and agoraphobia along with the added stress of the pandemic for the last 2 years, I was at a lost cause, as nothing had really worked, until one day I came across the advert on Facebook for Hypnosis. I wondered how this type of therapy could work when all others had failed.

My daughter was sceptical at first as was I, as the first thought was she was going to be put to sleep and not be in control of her mind, how wrong we were. From the initial consultation with Shirley I could tell my daughter was at ease. She was so warm and funny, and welcomed us into a safe and comfortable environment, and after discussing the therapy, there was an instant trust, and that was my daughter fully committed.

My daughter struggles to express how she feels, but with Shirley’s calm and caring influence, she was able to discuss her issues. Shirley was able to get to the root of her problem and was able to work with that to find out what my daughter wanted to achieve. She listened to the recording every night, and after 21 days I have noticed how much her confidence has grown and how it’s helped her now start to believe in herself and her capabilities. She is now making trips out that she struggled with before, and is starting to cross roads again that she avoided previously.

In a nutshell Shirley has enabled my daughter to start living her life again, life that she was robbed of for two years, to which I personally am eternally grateful. She is one remarkable lady whom I would have no hesitation to recommend to anyone!

Ms. K, age 18

"From rock bottom to flying high..."

I'll start with some honesty - I was pretty skeptical going in that hypnosis would do anything for me, having never experienced it before. I guessed my problems (trauma that I had been through) would be too severe to be helped with this kind of therapy.

Boy was I wrong. Working with Shirley has completely turned my life upside down - for the better. It's so hard to describe the unbelievable value that the hypnosis and Shirley herself have given me; I feel like I've found myself. It helped me get rid of things I didn't need to be holding onto anymore, and completely reframed my perspective on life.

When I say I went from rock bottom to flying high, I can honestly say I've never felt anything more true. The actual hypnosis was so relaxing and was so utterly cathartic in a way I've never experienced before. I feel like I came out the other side a new person, and with each listen of the recording I had the same feeling.

Without wanting to sound too exaggerative, Shirley is quite possibly the best human being I have ever met. She is kind, caring, thoughtful and generous. I couldn't have felt like I was in better hands and after the first session I had total trust and confidence in her and, not just her ability to help, but her DESIRE to help me.

If I could recommend Shirley to everyone I ever meet, I would. Genuinely. My life is changed for the better and no thanks will ever be enough!

Ms. W, age 27

"This has had a really positive effect on me..."

I had an RTT Hypnotherapy session with Shirley, I loved her natural, warm style and I felt an instant rapport with her. I have had some hypnosis before, but nothing like the session I had with Shirley.

Initially we had a 30-minute consultation to find out if we were compatible and felt we could work well together. This gave me confidence as by the end of the intake I knew what to expect and Shirley had a good understanding of what my presenting problems was.

I had the strong feeling of always needing to be strong and unable to be vulnerable and open up to others fully.

Shirley was very reassuring and knew that she could help me, and I felt I could absolutely trust her. The session itself was amazing, and I noticed a difference straight away.

I was able to open up to friends and family in a way I hadn't previously. This has had a really positive effect on me, and my confidence.

I love listening to my bespoke recording, so listening for 21 days was not an issue. I played it when I went to bed in the evening and then would fall into a lovely sleep. I still listen to it now!

I would 100% recommend Shirley and I am so pleased that I took the opportunity.

Ms. Z, age 57

"for the first time in many years I felt no pain..."

I came to see Shirley as I needed help getting myself back to a positive frame of mind, I have a disability and had become very low.

My initial consultation with Shirley was great, she talked me through what would happen, and we discussed what I wanted to achieve.

She took so much time to sit with me and understand where I was at; I didn’t feel judged, I only felt safe.

I had total trust in her discretion, I felt safe and reassured that she wanted to help me.

My hypnotherapy session was great; for the first time in so many years I felt no pain, it was so relaxing and comfortable.

My recording is so good, it gives me a great feeling when I listen to it and gives me the boost I need for the day.

I would recommend Shirley as she is great, she makes you feel like a friend rather than a client.

Shirley is there for you anytime you need to chat, keeps in contact and will always listen.

Mr. S, age 24

"Just be open and let the magic happen..."

I hadn’t experienced hypnosis before my session with Shirley and I can honestly say it’s been life changing for me.

I am not a ‘completer-finisher’ as historically I have lots of good ideas but no follow through, however when I decided to start my own business, I knew it was time to really commit and that’s where hypnotherapy came in.

The day before my session, Shirley took me through some questions about what I would like to achieve and where I felt I was at that point. The next day we spent around 2 hours together she led me to some breakthrough moments.

The session was so relaxed and calming and Shirley’s voice was soothing and supportive, allowing me to really work on myself without feeling I had to hold back.

The positive affirmations were and still are, having an impact on my mindset and my life each day. I have a new-found confidence that I can achieve anything I set out to do, which has been absolutely reinforced by listening to my hypnotherapy recording each night for 3 weeks after my session with Shirley.

I can say with certainty that I would recommend Shirley Lane Hypnosis to anyone who is ready for positive change in their life, just be open and let the magic happen.

Ms. G, age 46

"I am now excited for what the future holds..."

Firstly, I want to tell you how much better and confident I feel, I feel so free.

I asked Shirley to help with emotional issues and lack of self-confidence. I had never had hypnosis before, and it was not what I expected.

I always thought I would be put to sleep – this is not the case!

I felt very relaxed as Shirley had explained everything beforehand.

During hypnosis I went back to 2 scenes and through working with Shirley I realised that fears from many years ago have impacted how I deal with emotional issues now; lack of confidence which meant I didn’t get the respect I deserved.

I listened to Shirley’s recording every night and within a few days I had a much more positive outlook for the future and felt so much more confident.

I would have no hesitation recommending Shirley, I trusted her 100%. The difference I feel from when I first met Shirley is unbelievable, I feel like a different person.

I am now excited for what the future holds – I now know my self-worth and will not accept being disrespected.

Ms. C, age 50

"Amazing… I would most definitely recommend Shirley Lane Hypnosis!"

I came to see Shirley because I was struggling with feelings of overwhelm and guilt. My work/life balance had become chaotic, and I was struggling to stay positive and cope with the pressure. I felt I couldn’t express myself and had become a poor imitation of my real capabilities. Shirley instantly put me at ease in her first consultation and I knew that she was the perfect person for me. She was relaxed, funny and totally focussed on helping me with my issues.

I have had hypnosis before but a long time ago and it was nothing like my session with Shirley. The session was amazing, Shirley put me at ease from the minute she welcomed me through the door. The room was warm and comfortable and had no distractions which was really helpful. I felt totally comfortable and reassured and the whole session felt like I was wrapped up in a safe warm space and could trust Shirley implicitly. Shirley was spot on with her positive affirmations for me. As we had spoken and talked about my concerns, she was wonderfully accurate with what I wanted to achieve and my main stumbling blocks.

The recording was great, easy to access and I love listening to it. Having listened to the recording that I am coping so much better. I have far more confidence and issues that would have got me down previously I have dealt with relatively easily and the feeling of overwhelm has been much more reduced. Shirley’s aftercare was simply wonderful, she was genuinely phoning and messaging to see how I was and offered support and encouragement. She was always so positive and made me feel so successful. Should I have any other areas that need addressing I would consider Shirley Lane Hypnosis as a first point of call.

Ms. R, age 46

"I had lost who I was … now, I finally feel confident in myself"

I contacted Shirley as I had got to a point in life where I felt that I had lost who I was, I felt unworthy; with feelings of disappointment and lacking in confidence. If anyone gave me praise, I didn’t think I deserved it, it would make me cringe and feel uncomfortable. Shirley clearly explained the process from start to finish and I was confident in being open with her to get me to where I wanted to be.

I was able to visualise each step in my journey with Shirley’s clear and concise explanation of what we would be doing. During the hypnotherapy session I found Shirley to be compassionate, considerate, and completely unphased by anything that cropped up. She was a comforting presence when I was feeling emotionally vulnerable, as I knew she was someone I could trust with some of my most emotive memories. She gave me the time, space, and strength to deal with everything that came up during the session. Shirley’s recording was full of beautiful, positive affirmations that I listened to every single night to help me recode my thinking, to acknowledge and believe in my self-worth.

I now listen to the recording every other night and it continues to reinforce everything that I now feel about myself. The life-tools that Shirley and I agreed on are solely for my benefit; but in making me feeling better about myself my family and friends benefit also.   These are tools that I now use daily to help me make decisions and see how some choices can impact my day-to-day life.  They have made me see clearer!  I would absolutely recommend Shirley. I finally feel confident in myself and know that I am worthy of the love and friendships that I have. I have recently been promoted and I now see it as on opportunity. I have the confidence and self-belief to know that whatever crops up I will be able to face it!

Mrs. A

“I now know my worth and sometimes feel like I can take on the world”

I was recommended to Shirley by a mutual friend and from the very first call I felt really comfortable with her. We instantly clicked and had the same sense of humour which made me feel at ease. I was at a point in life where I had no confidence in myself, Shirley listened to me and asked me what I wanted to achieve.

She explained the process of hypnotherapy so well that I knew it was right for me. I had never had hypnosis before and although I was nervous initially, Shirley talked me through the process and made sure I knew what was happening every step of the way. She continually said ‘don’t expect to feel hypnotised’ and she was right!

It just felt relaxing, like 2 friends chatting but I had my eyes closed! Even though I was slightly nervous I knew that I had nothing to worry about, I felt safe and I trusted Shirley 100%. The intake and the hypnotherapy sessions were done in Shirley’s house and she ensured that I felt comfy, relaxed and welcome in her home. Shirley’s questioning got to the root of my lack of confidence and uprooted the beliefs that I had held onto for years.

Then she replaced it with positivity, hope, confidence. I left the session feeling on top of the world. The audio recording that was written for me was spot on for what I wanted; in my language and even included a few fruity words!  I feel more confident, and I now believe in myself and my capabilities. I now know my worth and sometimes feel like I can take on the world.

I have already recommended Shirley to a few friends, and I may also be in touch for another issue 😊!

Mrs. A, age 38

"Going to see Shirley is the best decision I have ever made!"

Being a thirty-year-old male, I was very reluctant and against the idea that I needed to speak with someone. That is until I spoke with a very close friend of mine and he explained his experience with Shirley and it had me curious... Having never been hypnotised or been to see any therapists etc it was all new to me. I was excited about it.

Going to see Shirley I was experiencing many different emotions and issues… I felt as if my life was 100mph with no time to stop and take breathe to be present, I had suicidal thoughts and I had past trauma that was affecting my day-to-day life. With nothing to lose, I went to see Shirley and to say it was an amazing experience is an understatement and doesn’t truly give Shirley enough credit that she deserves. Shirley made me feel so welcome and comfortable… comfortable enough to open up, eventually, after I lowered my ‘suit of armour’ as Shirley called it.

The sessions helped me to realise why I was thinking the way I was, what they meant and how to accept and deal with them by changing my perspective on them. It honestly felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders and I was able to understand and be at peace with the past. The whole hypnosis process was very surreal and I still think about it today. I still find myself saying ‘what actually happened? Was I awake? Sleeping? Here? Not Here?’ it was an amazing experience. I couldn’t recommend Shirley enough to anyone who is feeling lost, trapped or as if they need to speak to someone. She is amazing at her job, has the patience of a saint and has the determination to get to the root cause of your problems.

For anyone who is unsure about therapy or hypnosis then don’t think about it, go for it, you won’t regret it!

Mr. J, age 30

"Can’t thank Shirley enough for leading me out of my tunnel of worry..."

I had been struggling with worry and anxiety for quite a while which was having a destructive effect on my mental health and well-being. Shirley’s advert appeared in my Facebook timeline and as I’d had hypnosis a number of years earlier I decided to get in touch to see if she could help me.

Initial meeting/consultations were very good and Shirley has such a good style which allowed me to be truly open and honest. I’d written down all the things in my head which were blighting my life. We picked a couple of my worries to concentrate on and set a date and time for the hypnosis therapy.

Shirley is terrific and I was totally at ease and comfortable.  The voice recording she gave me inspired me. The reasons for my worries and anxieties were identified and replaced with an inner glow, confidence in myself and a renewed positive outlook.

Follow up meetings were fab and I can’t thank Shirley enough for leading me out of my tunnel of worry. Her time with me has helped in both a personal and career aspect.

Thank you so much Miss S... you get A+ and a gold star from me ⭐

Anon (my client has asked to remain anonymous)

“Moved me out of a destructive mindset and onto a healthier path”

I contacted Shirley at a critical point in my life, struggling with low self-worth, PTSD, and depression. Counselling in my teens didn’t help, but from our first conversation, Shirley prompted me to open up. She is genuine and welcoming, with a focused interest in my well-being.

Being hypnotised felt like the walls between myself and the world became see-through. It freed up mental space to look around while Shirley guided me to where I should be looking.

Shirley crafts a personalised recording that, when listened to nightly, greatly improves one’s mental state. Initially, it felt uncomfortable hearing such positive messages, but Shirley knew what I needed to hear—things I never heard as a child, or just nice thoughts from our sessions.

The recording replaces the negative voice in your head with a healthy, positive one. I noticed an improvement in my self-talk, which is essential for change. Hypnotherapy and the recordings moved me from a destructive mindset to a healthier path. Shirley put tremendous effort into helping me and providing tools for self-help.

I would absolutely recommend Shirley. She is passionate about helping people and so easy to get along with that you’ll wonder where your day went!

Mr. R, age 37

“I feel free in my own mind”

Firstly, I’d like to thank Shirley for her time, patience, and effort but more importantly her desire and skillset to help me achieve what we both set out at the start.

Before coming to Shirley Lane Hypnosis, I’d never been for any sort of therapy never mind hypnosis and I never knew what to expect. I knew what I wanted to change in my life and what I was carrying with me every day that I wanted to remove so I could be free, happy, and confident within myself and after the initial consultation we outlined what we were going to work on where Shirley set clear expectation on what to expect from her and what she expected from me.

When in hypnosis my subconscious what holding on so tight to what it feels has been protecting me for so long, Shirley persisted using a number of the amazing tools in her arsenal and we finally managed to get rid of the blockage. She reassured me the whole time, talked me through the process and made me feel at complete ease.

After the session, I listened to the recording every night as I went to sleep for 3 weeks, doing so was a key part of my journey, listening to these positive affirmations was a massive booster in every aspect of my life and I listen to it any time I feel like I need to pick myself up again.

There is still work to be done on my journey. However, for the time being I am delighted with the progress we have made and how I feel free in my own mind. There isn’t enough words I can use to recommend Shirley Lane Hypnosis highly enough for her amazing work and for the support before, during and after.

Mr. D, age 27

I wouldn’t go to anyone but Shirley

When I reached out to Shirley, I had been doing personal growth work in spiritual and therapeutic settings for 20 years. I had a very good handle on my perspective and my understanding of my traumas and neurodiversity. But there was one childhood trauma that, no matter how much I worked on it, I only ever seemed to be able to lessen the after-effects. I had never been interested in hypnotherapy before I met Shirley by “chance”. The way Shirley described hypnotherapy made far more sense to me, and it sounded like something that might be able to help me with this knot in my psyche that I couldn’t loosen on my own.

Having now completed the process, I cannot say enough good things about it. Hypnotherapy has proven to be one of the most effective therapeutic techniques I’ve encountered. Being hypnotised was like a deep relaxation. The process during the session was very emotional, but I felt safe and supported with Shirley’s expert guidance. Immediately afterwards I felt lighter than I ever have, and simultaneously more fully present in my body.

The personalised recording helped reinforce the effects of the initial session. On harder days, the recording would help me relax into better rest than I’d had in years and I’d wake up feeling like I was reset to that light feeling from immediately after the first session. Now, a couple of months on, that light feeling is essentially my default setting. Not only does that old trauma not haunt me, but I generally feel more comfortable in my own skin, and I don’t hesitate to take up space.

I wouldn’t hesitate to go through this process again if I found there was another issue I was similarly unable to root out on my own. And I wouldn’t go to anyone but Shirley for it. The technique was very effective, but Shirley is incomparable. She is a fierce cheerleader, she radiates joy, and she is a true healer, who can hold you with compassion and grace. And she absolutely will not bullshit you.

Miss E, age 39

“I am delighted with the progress we have made and how free I feel in my own mind”

Firstly, I’d like to thank Shirley for her time, patience and effort but more importantly her desire and skillset to help me achieve what we both set out at the start. Before coming to Shirley Lane Hypnosis, I’d never been for any sort of therapy never mind hypnosis and I never knew what to expect. I knew what I wanted to change in my life and what I was carrying with me every day that I wanted to remove so I could be free, happy and confident within myself and after the initial consultation we outlined what we were going to work on where Shirley set clear expectation on what to expect from her and what she expected from me.

When in hypnosis my subconscious what holding on so tight to what it feels has been protecting me for so long, Shirley persisted using a number of the amazing tools in her arsenal and we finally managed to get rid of the blockage. She reassured me the whole time, talked me through the process and made me feel at complete ease. After the session, I listened to the recording every night as I went to sleep for 3 weeks, doing so was a key part of my journey, listening to these positive affirmations was a massive booster in every aspect of my life and I listen to it any time I feel like I need to pick myself up again.

There is still work to be done on my journey. However, for the time being I am delighted with the progress we have made and how free I feel in my own mind. There isn’t enough words I can use to recommend Shirley Lane Hypnosis highly enough for her amazing work and for the support before, during and after.

Mr. D, age 28

“Start to finish was very empowering and very supportive”

Shirley Lane Hypnotherapy has been so much more than just hypnotherapy for me.

I sought advice on social media for emotional/binge eating, and Shirley Lane Hypnotherapy was recommended. Contacting Shirley, I immediately felt at ease, finding a trusted partner for my journey. Every interaction since has been empowering, highlighting Shirley's exceptional kindness and expertise.

From our initial conversation through each session, Shirley's approach was clear and supportive, making every step understandable. The hypnotherapy sessions felt like comfortable conversations, with insights emerging as naturally as if in a relaxed chat, my fitbit even mistook one for a nap!

Issues from my childhood surfaced and were addressed in sessions, leading to significant personal breakthroughs. Shirley's service extended beyond sessions, including a personalized recording that reinforced the therapeutic work and significantly boosted my self-esteem and mood.

I wholeheartedly recommend Shirley to anyone in need of support. Her open-minded, non-judgmental approach and genuine care have made her an invaluable part of our lives.

In just three words: empowering, supportive, and validating.

Thanks very much you absolutely fantastic woman. Lots of love 🌟💜

Miss E, age 35

“My time with Shirley has opened many doors that were closed to me before.”

I contacted Shirley because I had been struggling with debilitating anxiety and depressive episodes stemming from complex childhood trauma. While talk therapy had yielded good results, I felt the need to delve deeper into my subconscious. Shirley came highly recommended by a family member, and from our first interaction, I realised that she was someone I could trust completely. She has a unique ability to blend empathy with humour, which immediately put me at ease.

The hypnotherapy sessions themselves were fascinating. I was in a deeply relaxed state, yet fully aware of everything happening around me. Shirley assured me that my subconscious would provide what I needed to address my trauma, and she was right. Her personalised recording not only helped me relax and fall asleep more easily but also reinforced positive thinking patterns that I needed to adopt.

This feels like a pivotal time in my life. Shirley's sessions allowed me to engage with my childhood memories in ways that talk therapy never could, giving me a complete picture of my past and helping me understand the root causes of my anxiety and depressive episodes. Although it's too early to determine the long-term effects, I am excited and optimistic about the future. Shirley's hypnotherapy has been transformative, and I wouldn't hesitate to reach out to her again if needed. I've already recommended her to close friends and family and will continue to do so because I genuinely believe that Shirley can help anyone, even those who think they don't need it.

Mr. S, age 40

"It taught me a lot about myself and gave me some reasons as to why I was feeling a certain way."

Shirley came into my life at a time when I felt completely lost, confused, and stuck. My anxiety had been crippling me on and off for about a year, and I was desperate to find some answers. Shirley presented hypnotherapy as a way to explore my subconscious and uncover the root causes of my anxiety. Choosing to visit her home for the sessions was the best decision I made. The environment was calming, relaxed, and non-judgmental, making me feel at ease right away.

The hypnotherapy sessions were incredibly enlightening. I felt safe and trusted the process, which allowed me to uncover deeper-rooted issues and gain a better understanding of myself. Shirley provided me with a personalised recording to listen to every night for two weeks. The more I listened, the quicker I fell asleep, and the recording helped reinforce the positive changes we were working on.

Shirley's support didn't end with the sessions. She continues to check in on me, providing ongoing encouragement and care. Her genuine desire to help shines through in everything she does. Shirley has truly made a difference in my life, helping me see things from a different perspective and giving me the tools to manage my anxiety more effectively. I am incredibly grateful for her support and highly recommend her to anyone in need of guidance.

Ms. J, age 30

"Never did I think I could have the peace of mind that I have right now."

I tell everyone I can about Shirley because her hypnotherapy has been life-changing for me. When I first contacted her, I was feeling lost, insignificant, and overwhelmed by anxiety. Despite my efforts to improve my situation, something always seemed to hold me back. Talking with Shirley felt incredibly natural, and I found myself sharing more than I realised. She has a remarkable way of making you feel comfortable and open, discussing anything without judgment.

Visiting her home for hypnotherapy sessions was a transformative experience. The environment was peaceful and welcoming, and I felt at ease immediately. The hypnotherapy itself was incredible. I was deeply relaxed, yet vividly aware of every word spoken. Shirley recommended listening to a personalized recording every night for three weeks, which proved to be exceptionally powerful. Hearing my name and key phrases like 'forever free' and 'set out your stall' was profoundly comforting.

The entire experience has been nothing short of magical. I feel like a new person, with a renewed sense of peace and contentment that is truly priceless. My family has noticed the positive changes in me, and I am often told that I have my 'wee shazzy spark' back. I would absolutely turn to hypnotherapy with Shirley for any future challenges, and I am forever grateful for the profound impact she has had on my life. This experience has provided me with a fresh canvas and a sense of happiness that I never thought possible.

Ms. S, age 46

"I am comfortable in my own skin, and I am no longer scared to look in the mirror!"

When I first reached out to Shirley, I was feeling extremely low, struggling with confidence, anxiety, and an eating disorder that was tormenting both my body and mind. From our initial conversation, Shirley put me at ease, and I felt an immediate sense of hope. She truly understood what I was going through and offered a compassionate, empathetic approach.

The hypnotherapy sessions were intense, emotional, and incredibly enlightening. I didn't know what to expect, but the experience was transformative. Shirley helped me uncover the root causes of my issues and address them directly. Although managing my eating disorder is an ongoing battle, the tools and insights I gained from our sessions have been invaluable.

The personalised recording Shirley provided has been a lifeline. I listen to it whenever I need a boost, and it reinforces the positive messages we worked on during our sessions. With Shirley's help, I have learned the importance of self-affirmation and positive thinking. I now carry myself with more confidence, feel comfortable in my own skin, and am no longer afraid to look in the mirror.

Shirley's support has been a game-changer for me. I truly believe in myself now, and I believe in Shirley's ability to help others as she has helped me. Her ongoing encouragement and care have made a significant difference in my life, and I am deeply grateful for everything she has done for me.

Ms. L, age 27


Frequently Asked Questions

I know you may have a few questions; if below doesn't give you the answers you are looking for, please reach out to me!

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of highly focused attention or concentration, often associated with relaxation, and heightened suggestibility It may appear similar to sleep in many ways, but you're fully aware of what's going on and participating throughout.

Where do these sessions take place?

These can be done from the comfort of your home via zoom or if suitable can arrange to see you at my home.

How long does each session last?

The initial consultation, which is free, will generally last 15-20 minutes. If you wish to proceed the intake meeting will normally last 30-60 minutes. A few days later we will have your hypnotherapy session and I would recommend keeping 2 hours available for this.

How many sessions will I require?

Every issue is different and neither you nor I can tell until we start. This is a fully collaborative process, we work together, communicate, and draw the best conclusion for you.

I have more questions…

Just reach out and I shall answer any questions you may have to the best of my ability.

Reach out today

The first step is the hardest and the bravest; let me be there to hold your hand throughout the journey.

How to reach me

Here are all of the ways you can contact me.

I know that reaching out can feel difficult, but it doesn't have to be. You deserve to feel your best self, so let me help you along the way.

I can't wait to hear from you!
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Shirley Lane Hypnosis

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Use the form below to get in touch with me. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Please feel free to give me a call if you want to get in touch right away!

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